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Horvath and the Kite-Lab

thomas horvath with one of his kites.
Photographs: Stefan Walter and Hochparterre Design Magazine.

Research, development

Thomas Horvath is researching, developing and producing minimal single line kites flying without wind, which he invented. The light synergetic flying objects, Swiss made, are distributed directly by the Kite-Lab.

The company

The Kite-Lab™ emerged step-by-step 2000 in the architecture and industrial design atelier of Thomas Horvath, which was founded in 1994. Today, the kite business and development is the most important section of the atelier.

The Kite-Lab, das Drachen-Labor, is an independent company, registered in the Swiss Central Federal Business Index. We are a member of the AKA, the American Kite-Fliers Association.

Customers are located in Switzerland, in the European Union, in USA and all over the world.

The atelier, production

Our environmentally friendly atelier is located in Zurich and our installations like light, machines, etc., are also consistently sustainable.

The long living kites are built with just a few grams of selected materials, that's why they are sustainable things or: minimal devices. Some of the materials are produced in Switzerland, Germany and USA according to our specifications.

By the way: The Kite-Lab is barrier free throughout.

About zero wind kites

Learn more and get in detail information on zero-wind kites, pictures, and videos. How they emerged, about the cultural context, tips and tricks on setup and flight.

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