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Videos: kites flying indoor

Synergetic Kites flying indoor. Videos of original production kites by the kite-lab as well as self-made urban ninjas. At the very bottom, you find a playlist with some other Clips.

Baldrian's zero wind kite in Kassel

Thomas Leuenberger aka "Baldrian" on one of the evening shows of his Germany-Tour 2016. Kite: one of his "Like a rolling stone ul special film edition". Thomas is specializing in slowness, he's the expert.

Indoor meeting in Kerpen

A video by Dietmar Schlottig with the Lwh-hcs aka "The long way home handling compact stradale". The sail of the kite consists of a special white hdpe-film, which was being produced in Switzerland according to our specs. Today, there's the optimized Icarex Edition available. Or, for the ultimate flow, the Hyperlight Edition with a sail of Dyneema Composite Fabric.

Soaring in Singapore

The kite in the first video: Hybrid.240. Production is discontinued today. There were 3 different kites available in this series: Hybrid.130, Hybrid.200 and Hybrid.240. The numbers specified the respective wingspans.

The second clip is showing a Hybrid.200, which is flying less slowly, the kite was a bit too heavy. It's not easy to control all the details of a mass production kite. In our own manufacturing process however, we enjoy the direct in-house quality control.

At the very beginning of the clip, there's a Zero-1.1 in orange, which was the best-selling zero wind kite produced in license of the Kite Lab™. All the kites here are designs of Thomas Horvath.

Here's a Playlist on YouTube with some other videos of our kites around the world, indoor and outdoor.

Also in Pictures and Movies:

Kites in the mountains Kites in Cervia Kites in China Once upon a time Videos: zero wind kites by us Videos: kites flying outdoor