Innovations with Character
Conny Schmid © 2014, Abstract of the article
English abstract of "Innovationen mit Charakter"

An article by Conny Schmid about the kite innovations of Thomas Horvath. From constructing airplanes and space shuttles in his childhood, studies of architecture in his student years, founding his Atelier for Architecture and Industrial Design finally to the step-by-step emerging kite lab.
Some of the synergetic designs are described in detail, the ideas behind them, the first attempts to fly kites in no wind, the field tests and the naming of the products as well.
Schmid explores the different individual characters of the kites, asks about the published plans for kite making by kids and teens too and finishes with a short, humorous description of the atelier and its modern classics interior.
The article was published in "Der Beobachter" 20 | 2014
"The Observer" (translated) is the most read magazine in Switzerland.