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Videos: kites flying outdoor

Our kites flying outdoor. Videos of original Horvath-Kites as well as self-made urban ninjas. At the very bottom, you find a YouTube playlist with some other videos.

after midnight in vitoria gasteiz

Kite festival in Vitoria Gasteiz, Basque, Spain. A wonderful festival with a lot of very sympathetic kite enthusiasts. I was invited as the protagonist and enjoyed the generosity. Unfortunately, there was stormy weather all days long, but the nights were perfect.

Kite festival Vitoria Gasteiz: the poster with the festival kite: the urban ninja.

The poster with the festival kites: urban ninjas. The organizers built several of these kites with diverse orange-white-rhythms.

Zero-wind floating with "the urban ninja"

This time still quite urban, but charming in the green. Spain. No idea what this color would be in Icarex, it's not pink nor rose. Anyway, such a color is not exactly available, if you would order a kite at the Kite Lab™. The flying style is slow and fluid, not quite a typical "urban ninja flight". It looks more like a "de tomaso superleggera", which is lighter, softer, slower, and an even more pronounced zero wind kite.

Here's a short playlist on YouTube with some other videos of our kites around the world, indoor and outdoor.

Also in Pictures and Movies:

Kites in the mountains Kites in Cervia Kites in China Once upon a time Videos: zero wind kites by us Videos: kites flying indoor