Currently 3 days plus, thank you.

Kites, companies and public relations

Our offers for companies: Dedicated hi-tech kites as a personal present, smaller series of zero wind kites with branding as high-quality advertising and individually arranged floating events with kites.

Icarex kite fabric neon yellow

Some samples of corporate identity colors: Icarex neon

icarex light green

icarex light green

icarex green

icarex green

icarex blue

icarex blue

icarex midnight blue

icarex midnight blue

icarex magenta

icarex magenta

icarex dark orange

icarex superwarmred

icarex red

icarex red

icarex fluo orange

icarex fluo orange

icarex light orange

icarex light orange

icarex yellow

icarex yellow

icarex black

icarex black

icarex dark grey

icarex dark grey

icarex branding

icarex branding

icarex silver

icarex silver

icarex white

icarex white

1 Kites as a personal present

Flying a kite, for most people, awakens those beautiful childhood memories. Weightlessly floating through the airs, the kite has its own magic.

The zero wind kites by Thomas Horvath bring this moments back - thanks to state of the art technology paired with precise craft.

Irene M. Wrabel, Communications, Zurich

Personalized kites

Unique pieces with optional prints on the sail, for example, a personal dedication or a logo, are ready for delivery or pickup within a few days.

Or get small series, also customizable and available in various colors (your corporate color?): For example, de tomaso honey (wing-design, wing span 1.63 m).

The kites are made in Zurich and are the lightest possible, Swiss high-tec. They have established zero wind kite flying and floating in the urban environment, being today worldwide prototypical for other manufacturers too.

2 Communicate with kites

Thomas Horvath has invented kite flying without wind. His 'active kites' stay in the air, because the pilot is giving the right impulses via the line. And because the kites are precise constructions made of hi-tech material.
As a designer, Horvath is looking for the perfect balance between air and kite.Urs Honegger, Hochparterre Magazine for Design and Architecture

Advertise with lightness

Synergetic kites are a high-quality advertising, in small to medium series, with optional prints on the sail. The time of manufacturing a series is slightly longer than for just a couple of kites:

Maybe de tomaso superleggera, a compact-delta-design with a wing span of 1:33 m.

Communicate with high quality, exclusive and sustainable advertising media: Swiss design, Swiss engineered and Swiss made.

3 Float and be amazed

The clv Darling arrived yesterday and after spending several hours in total excitement in the office I was even able to fly the kite in the middle of Budapest.
And then a love affair was born in the park. The experience was simply unforeseen. Pure magic.

Gergo Kiss, Budapest

Events and installs

We come to you with several ready to fly kites, which can be flown by all. And we show how, briefly. So that really everybody is floating for a while, at your indoor or outdoor party. Or we construct a floating-installation for you, temporary or permanent, art or not.

A kite with an individual print on the sail, ETH Zurich.
Kite: de tomaso superleggera with custom print. PR for a research project at ETH Zurich. © Christian Panse

4Planning together

Contact Thomas Horvath by e-mail to clarify first questions or, if desired, to make an appointment for a first straightforward meeting in the studio.

Also in Kites and companies:

Some of our corporate customers Kite making workshops