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Kites in the mountains

Photos of our zero-wind and light-wind kites on special locations: here our events on Susten in the Swiss Alps.

Our kite-meetings in the alps

Some time ago, we arranged several weekends with single line zero wind kite friends on Susten in the Swiss alps on 2300 m. These traditional meetings will be continued, they are impressive experiences.

Touch the photos for color.

A white kite over the Stein glacier.The kite of Franco Pinazza soaring over the Stein glacier: the long way home. © Gregor Peikert

Large kite in magenta with kid.Small person, large kite: 1.37 m vs. 2.74 m. @ Markus Egger

No kites, but barbecue in the rain.No kites, no comment …

A pink synergetic zero wind kite.Synergetic zero wind kite: the long way home in pink, 2.74 m.

Thomas Horvath with a hybrid 200 licence kite.Thomas Horvath prepares the hybrid 200 license kite for the start.

Kite starting on stones: hybrid 200.Unfortunately there's no wind at all right now. Kite: hybrid 200.

Kite with a 60 m long tail.The tail attached to the kite is 60 m long, hard to start, but when lifted by a bit of wind, beautiful.

Highly efficient kite, icarex edition.Zero-wind-kite: the long way home handling compact stradale, White Film Edition, today Icarex Edition.

Ultra-zero-wind-kite floating on thermals.Only our kites can do this: the long way home handling compact stradale floating on thermals.

3 lightwind kites above the mountains in normal wind.Pat, Franco and Horvath are flying a bit, wind: normal. The kites: lrs standard, urban ninja, urban ninja the bad. © Markus Egger

A typical light wind kite and a typical zero wind kite in a mellow breeze.A typical light wind kite and a typical zero wind kite: Horvath's urban ninja 73 104% and Pat Hug with her like a rolling stone standard. © Markus Egger

Material test with a workshop kite: sticky wing Spectra Dyneema.The sticky wing is one of the kites, which we make in workshops. Here we are testing an extreme sail-material.

Cube-kites: tests in the mountains with wind.Several cube variations by Markus Egger. All of these kites need consistent, rather strong wind.

A light wind kite with an extremely long tail in the Swiss mountains.The tail attached to the kite is 4 and a half inches wide and 200 feet long: the urban ninja.

A hybrid 200 kite floating near to the ground above a stone flatland.Kite: hybrid 200. Three models were produced and distributed by hq Invento, concept and design by Thomas Horvath.

High start of a large zero-wind-kite in front of the glacier.High start in front of the Stein-Gletscher. Kite: the long way home, 2.74 m.

Large zerowind-kite in front of rocks.Zero wind kite, wing shape: the long way home in neon, 2.74 m, 110 g.

The little kite floating in front of rocks: c'est la vie, darling.Small kite and big rocks: c'est la vie, darling. This kite was available as a part of the set "i'll be back, darling".

The transition from the high start with a zero wind kite to the horizontal gliding mode.The transition from the high start to the horizontal gliding mode. Kite: the long way home.

Parking space barbecue with Citroen XM, but without kites.Tiger, Thomas, Rita and Jürg. In the air: Gregor, Markus ll, Josef, Iris, Franco, Patrizia, Michael, Lara and others. @ Markus Egger

2 classics: sports car and lightwind kite: Lotus Esprit and urban ninja.Tiger's Lotus Esprit 007 and the classic light wind kite urban ninja ul. © Markus Egger

A synergetic-zero-wind-kite in the updraft of warm rocks.A synergetic-zero-wind-kite in the updraft of warm rocks: the long way home in fluo orange. Flight altitude 500 feet.

Kite in the mountains, before the storm.The weather can get rough high in the mountains, but very beautiful too, or both at the same time. Kite: "hybrid" by hq Invento.

A kite in mint, in the background the similarly colored Stein-Glacier.In the evening. An upcoming storm told us to drive back to the flatlands. Thanks all for these delicious weekends! © Rita Emmenegger

Also in Pictures and Movies:

Kites in Cervia Kites in China Once upon a time Videos: zero wind kites by us Videos: kites flying indoor Videos: kites flying outdoor