Relations in the air
Synergetic kites and the analogies to other species of kite designs. Only very few attempts are inspired by the free flight of birds.
Our kites though, try to hover without wind. They are lighter than birds thus slower too.

An attempt to locate hybrid synergetic zero-wind kites in no wind or gentle light air movement conditions, and to show their relations to other species of kite designs:
Light-wind single line kites
Fighter kites
Nature: birds
Horvath zerowind kites
1 Light-wind and indoor stunt kites, also called dual line deltas, standoffs preform the sail, like the benson innerspace, the synchro, and the tremendous isis by pierre marzin, but also very small dual line kites and indoor Revolutions on 4 lines:
- dual line or four, invariable line length
- move dynamically in a semi-sphere
- inserted 3-d moves around their x-y-z-axes
- movement of the pilot is essential: two and a half dimensions
- state of the art high-tech materials
- sport, competition
2 Static light wind single line kites like the traditional Japanese tosa, keeled bird kites like those by Martin Lester or Alick Pearson, light single line deltas usually with a sewn on keel and the western genki with small keels:
- single kite line, variable line length, done with the reel
- due to the keel, not stearable
- stay stable at a position given by the wind
- limited input by the flyer: one dimension, linear along the flying line
- modern or traditional materials
- recreation: kite building and kite flying
3 Indian fighters, Korean fighter-kites, Nagasaki hatas, the rectangular bukahs, Brazilian pipas, North American fighter kites and the flat trimmed relaxed rokkaku prefer normal winds:
- single kite line, some variation of line length in flight, using the hands
- are temporarily unstable for inputs at decisive moments
- move very fast with line pull
- steerable in a quarter sphere: two dimensions
- modern or traditional materials
- competition, game
4 Paragon nature: birds like the slow soaring or fast diving eagle or the albatross in dynamic soaring. I'm not the great bird expert, but it's fantastic what birds do with and in the air:
- benefit from, but don't need air movement, see also dynamic soaring above waves 1
- no line, active, dynamically stable in untethered gliding 2
- powered by flapping wings, high wing loading, therefore must fly fast for adequate lift 3
- free movement in the sky, active in all of the three dimensions 4
- organic ultra high-tech materials, in parts semi-permeable 5
- function, flying techniques, complex aerodynamics in swarm cluster flight 6
5 Ultralight or hyperlight synergetic zero wind kites: delta shape kites like the compact De tomaso superleggera and wing shape kites like the high aspect ratio The long way home:
- use, but don't need air movement 1
- often fly with an absolutely slack line, glide 2
- powered by energy transmitted through the line, extremely low wing load, slow 3
- free movement in the sky in all of the three dimensions, active at inputs of the line 4
- synthetic high-tech materials, in parts semi-permeable like Lrs flow, Clv glissando 5
- function, flying techniques, complex aerodynamics 6
- bonus: flow