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Synergetic zero-wind kites

Horvath-kites are the first ones constructed using the proprietary synergetic X-Y-Z-configuration with the 3d-spreader.

They introduced the new genre of free windless floating and are often spotted in urban environments.

Some say that these aren't actually kites, but just kinetic flying devices for every season.

A kite above the seashore in New York City: the long way home.
Wing span: 2.76 m, weight: 110 g, The long way home in New York City. © Heinrich Hohmann


are not…

definition of synergy, from greek "sunergos". working together, oxford dictionary.


The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances or other contributors, which produces a combined effect that is more effective than the sum of the separate individual effects. From the Greek sunergos 'working together'.

In our atelier, the various principles contained in synergetic concepts strongly influence our work and the development of kites.

At the "center for synergetic structures" at Empa, the materials science and technology institute in Zurich, Dr. Rolf Luchsinger and his team are investigating contemporary synergetic concepts such as "tensairity", with modern materials. There are several attempts with kites, some for energy production.

Kites in the seasons

In Switzerland, people like to associate autumn with kites. Autumn winds represent the kite season. Newspapers and magazines like to report about kites during the fall season, even ours, which actually float most beautiful without or in just a breath of wind.

For zero wind kites the whole year is season, at different places and often with spontaneous, uncomplicated flights. The Tubes™ are robust and some of them extremely compact, so that Horvath kites can always be with you:

In winter in deep fresh snow high up in the mountains or indoor, in spring in the first warm rays of sunshine at some freestyle floating in front of the house or in the park, in summer maybe in an agreable cooling breeze in the city or by the sea, and in autumn then anyway, often together with other people.

For static flights in classic continental or alpine autumn winds you may spontaneously insert the Stabilizer™, so some of your kites can fly very high and still relaxed.

In North America and many other regions, the kite season starts in spring and then continues until the cold days are coming with the end of fall.

The german word "Drachen"

A brief statement about the use of the term "kite" in the german language: In german the english word "kite" is used increasingly for "Drachen". In general we would say that the more sporty - particularly in the context of trend sports - the use of a kite is, the more the english word "kite" is used in german speech: "Power-Kiting, Snow-Kiten, Kitesurfen, Depower-Kite" etc. (kiten = kiting).

The more contemplative, playful and creative the activity with kites is, the more - or exclusively - the german word "Drachen" is appropriate, that's especially true for our floating synergetic kites. Drachen is also used for dragon.

Also in Culture, context, technics:

Relations in the air The development of the zero wind kite The weight of material and kite