Upwards in Zero Wind
Ulrike Hark © 2014, Abstract of the article
English abstract of "Mit Null Wind nach oben"
Tages-Anzeiger Zurich, in Culture & Society

The article by renowned Ulrike Hark starts with introducing the smallest Horvath kite, the "i'll be back" and its Tensegrity construction principles and details. "The kite can breath" and "light mobile agile" are some of her observations.
light mobile agile
The manufacturing methods are mentioned, the product range of 13 models and the international market, mainly USA, Germany and of course, Switzerland.
Hark ends with a citation: «When I'm back from delivering the kites at the post office, then I feel – it was a good day.».
The article was published in "Tages-Anzeiger" Zurich 2014
"Tages-Anzeiger" is, besides NZZ, the most read and respected newspaper in Switzerland.