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Kite making workshops

Kite building workshops for companies or clubs in our atelier in Zurich or, if there are more than 9 participants, in rooms of your company. As soon as the kites are finished, we will float a bit together, indoor or outdoor.

For companies or teams:

These beautiful ultra-light weight zero wind kites from Horvath in Zurich are amazing. Built using specialized sail materials and finely manufactured carbon tubing, they fly on thermals, the same way birds do.

They represent, to me anyway, a pinnacle of kiting, both in terms of engineering and, ultimately, elegance.

Nichol Alexander, publisher, New York, USA

The sail of the kite building kit in white film.

The sail is cut and marked, here with the cnc cutted sticky parts. Usually the sail is of white light film, but if a company has a high corporate color priority, it can be Icarex.

All the parts for building a zero-wind-kite.

A sticky selfmade sixpack. The sail is fold, cut and marked, the carbon framing and the small hardware ready. This way we make it in one afternoon, including a bit of flying together.

4 selfmade kites made of film and carbon.

Sticky workshop-kites, here in uni color. The sail is white film.

Kite on the underground parking with neon light from below.

Sticky Wing on the underground parking. Sail: our classic white hdpe film, 20 g/m2 Swiss made.

Make something unique with your team and learn to appreciate your colleagues or customers even better: Lift off and float together.

We will make an innovative kite from A to Z. Then we will fly together, indoor or, in good weather (= zero wind) outside, just in front of the atelier.


New in 2024: sticky 3.7 with a wing span of 1'000 mm, or sticky wing with a wing span of 1'250 mm. Both are ultralight synergetic zerowind kites with a carbon frame, in various icarex colors or even lighter white film.


Typically 6 (4 to 9) in our studio, or up to 30 or more in your company. Kids and teens are welcome and can often help adults.


In the Kite-Lab 8047 Zurich or in a room at your company. Lightness and flow in a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere.


Date and time by appointment, afternoon or evening, on Saturdays or Sundays too. As the components are precisely prepared, it will take just one afternoon, floating included.

Please contact Thomas Horvath by e-mail to clarify first questions or, if desired, to make an appointment for a briefing in the Kite-Lab.

Your self-built zero wind kite is extremely durable and will remind you of this team event for a long time to come.

Information about the kite workshops in the studio in 8047 Zurich, also for private participants. Private workshops in our Atelier take place usually on Sunday afternoons.

Also in Kites and companies:

Kites, companies and public relations Some of our corporate customers